ABF 2.0 Registration | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

ABF 2.0 Registration

(If you are registering more than 2 people, please fill out a separate registration form for the others. If you would like to register a large group, please contact [email protected] directly.)

Contact information


The registration fee for this event is a sliding scale of $15 to $100 per person. You will have the opportunity to make your payment after you submit this form.


Conference participation

We encourage you to participate in the entire weekend, starting on Friday at 7 pm and running through Sunday. However, we understand that may not be possible in all cases.

Space is limited, and advanced registration is required to tour the underground coal mine at Portal 31 in Lynch on Saturday. There is no additional fee beyond your registration fee. 


We will host a local foods community breakfast on Saturday morning, and provide coffee and light breakfast Sunday morning for campers, as well as dinner for all participants on Friday and Saturday. You are on your own for lunch on Saturday and Sunday. We’ll provide suggestions for local restaurants.

Tell us more!