Sustainable Energy resources | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Sustainable Energy resources

How to lobby on the Clean Energy Opportunity Act

This is a webinar that we held on January 19, 2012 that covers the basics of how to lobby on the Clean Energy Opportunity Act.

Source/Author: Kentucky Sustainable Energy Alliance

Frequently Asked Questions about the Clean Energy Opportunity Act

This handout contains talking points to respond to frequently asked questions about our clean energy legislation.

Source/Author: Kentucky Sustainable Energy Alliance

Clean Energy Opportunity Act handout

This is our fact sheet for our Clean Energy Opportunity Act legislation. It is current for the 2012 5legislative session.

Source/Author: Kentucky Sustainable Energy Alliance

Potential Impacts of a Renewable and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard in Kentucky

MACED wanted to understand the impacts legislation like Rep. Marzian’s Clean Energy Opportunity Act (HB 167) might have on jobs, electric bills, and the economy in Kentucky and a comprehensive analysis of a bill like the Clean Energy Opportunity Act has not been part of the policy conversation to date. MACED contracted Synapse Energy Economics to conduct a high-level analysis of the impacts a Renewable and Energy Efficiency Portfolio Standard (REPS) could have in Kentucky.

Source/Author: Synapse Energy Economic Inc.
