Coal and Water Resources | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Coal and Water Resources

E.g., 03/2025
E.g., 03/2025

Fact Sheet about Federal Investments Needed for Climate Justice

Green New Deal Network

The Green New Deal Coalition is calling on Congress to pass a Recovery bill that invests in climate, care, and justice at the scale needed to address multiple overlapping crises. These fact sheets provide details about the benefits of making substantial, bold, transformational investments in public transit, building retrofits, and more. 

Sign-on letter to Congress calling for transformation of rural electric cooperatives

Rural Power Coalition

On February 23, 2021, a letter signed by 100 organizations - including KFTC - was sent to members of Congress, urging support for a 7-part platform of policies to transform rural electric cooperatives and the communities they serve. KFTC and Mountain Association are founding members of the Rural Power Coalition, which drafted and circulated the sign-on letter. 

Fixing What's Broke, Updated 2019

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

This is a slightly updated version, released in July 2019, of a report KFTC first published in 2018 about a trio of legislative proposals Congress needs to pass to do right by our miners and communities: The Reclaim Act, a bill to strengthen funding for the black lung disability trust fund, and a bill to protect miners' pensions. 

Community Health Impacts of Mountaintop Mining

Nina McCoy

This statement was written by KFTC member Nina McCoy about the community health impacts of large-scale stripmining that remain long after active mining is over.

Testimony on living near MTR by Jeff and Sharman Chapman Crane

Jeff and Sharman Chapman-Crane

This statement was written by KFTC members Jeff and Sharman Chapman-Crane about a day in their life in the shadows of massive strip-mining in eastern Kentucky.

Harlan County Resolution in support of Black Lung, RECLAIM Act and Miners Pensions 2018

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

In December 2018, the Harlan County Fiscal Court passed a local resolution calling on Sen. McConnell and all members of Congress to support and pass three measures needed to do right by our miners and communities. The resolution urges passage of the RECLAIM Act, stronger funding for the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, and shoring up the federal fund that gurantees miners' pensions.

Morehead Local Resolution on Black Lung and RECLAIM Act, 2018

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

In the fall of 2018, the City of Morehead was among more than 14 local governments in KY to pass local resolutions urging Congress to pass the RECLAIM Act, Support miners pensions, and strengthen funding for the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund. 

City of Lynch resolution about Black Lung & RECLAIM Act, 2018

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

In the fall of 2018, the City of Lynch was among more than a dozen local governments to pass a local resolution calling for Congress to pass the RECALIM Act, strengthen the black lung disability trust fund, and protect miners' pensions.

Ohio County local resolution on Black lung, RECLAIM Act, and UMWA pensions

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

In the fall of 2018, Ohio County, Kentucky was among a dozen local governments to pass a local resolution calling on Congress to pass the RECLAIM Act, strengthen funding for the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, and protect miners' pensions.
