| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Community Science & Public Health

The Community Science and Public Health Project is a critical initiative that puts power in the hands of people directly affected by water pollution in eastern Kentucky.

Health impacts of mountaintop removal

Since 2010, nearly 20 peer-reviewed scientific studies have shown strong links between coal production, including large-scale surface mining, and impacts on human health in Central Appalachia. 


Community science meets community organizing

People living in eastern Kentucky have a right to know what’s in their water, understand the impact on their health, and use that information to organize their communities. KFTC’s Community Science and Public Health Project puts the power of science in the hands of eastern Kentuckians who are directly affected by coal mining pollution.

The five goals of the KFTC's Community Science and Public Health Project

Education – KFTC members are helping our neighbors understand the connection between polluted water and our health.

Information – Using water testing equipment, we’re gathering data to build a case for clean water. 

Organizing – We’re organizing in our communities to take action together.

Rick Handshoe taking a water sample

Communication – We’re building awareness and support through local media, public forums and conversations.

Policy change – Armed with information, we’re demanding change.

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