| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

The Power of Community Organizing and Water Testing

All of us have the right to know what’s in our water. KFTC members are learning how to use the tools and practices of community science to gather data about the quality of our streams and even some city water systems.

We're using what we learn from those field tests to have conversations in our own communities and get others involved. And together we're using our data to organize for change.

You can get involved by attending an upcoming water testing workshop:

  • Learn basic facts about overall water quality in eastern Kentucky and some key strengths and flaws of the Clean Water Act.
  • Learn key principles of community organizing.
  • Learn and practice how to take basic field tests of local streams, including how to measure conductivity, temperature, pH, and more.
  • Map out which streams matter most to you and identify where you want to take regular field tests.
  • Head home with the equipment and instructions you’ll need to get started.

Several times each year we invite everyone who has been trained to come together to share information and keep learning together. This growing community of concerned, informed water testers helps prioritize where additional lab tests are needed and ways all of us can support local organizing efforts.

Even if you haven’t yet been to a water testing workshop, contact KFTC if you have concerns about your water.