Madison County | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Chapter: Madison County

Do you believe community members have an important voice in the conversation about Madison County’s future?

The Madison County KFTC Chapter is a place where you, a member of this community, can work with others on issues we care about. Over the past year our members have worked together to promote clean energy at the local level, register and educate voters, support a Fairness ordinance in Berea, and much more. We have more than 500 members of various ages and backgrounds, and we welcome new folks.

Our monthly meeting is a great opportunity to learn what we’re up to, express your ideas and find a way to get involved.

Recent Activities

Celebrating 40 years of action for justice.

 It’s an important time for the organization.

Despite challenges, Kentuckians make an impact in Frankfort

You’ve made an impact during the 2021 General Assembly. Some of these impacts have been on legislation – a key meeting with a legislator that changes the course of a bill, or a push of calls and tweets that makes the will of the people more visible and harder to ignore. We also set a goal this session to continue to build the power we need. So many impacts have been in our own communities, talking with neighbors and networks about the bills that impact us, and the work of our legislators. 

How can a community come together to respond to the COVID-19 crisis?

Meta Mendel-Reyes

How can a community come together to respond to the COVID-19 crisis?  

Madison County chapter members helped to create the Berea Community COVID-19 Committee (BCCC-19), which brings together a wide range of community individuals, organizations and agencies to develop and lead a community-wide response to the pandemic. Lots of good work is already happening in Berea but the different groups have not come together. Our purpose is not to duplicate efforts, but to share information and to identify and help to fill gaps in Berea’s efforts to keep our community safe and well.  

In the spirit of KFTC’s actions to help to defeat COVID-19 statewide, we are focused on our local community and grassroots organizing.

Introducing Yesenia!

Hi my name is Yesenia Soriano- Altamirano and I will be working with Kentuckians For The Commonwealth this summer to better understand the work that is happening here in our home state Kentucky.  I

Residents claiming ownership of public spaces in Berea

How do we engage people outside of KFTC in conversation about what they care about in their community?  


Chapter Feature:

Regular Meetings:

Berea Friends Meeting House
300 Harrison Rd
Berea, KY 40403
Monthly Chapter Meeting

Join us on the fourth Monday of every month at 7pm (unless otherwise noted) for our Madison County KFTC Chapter meeting. We share updates about our work, make plans for upcoming work, and much more. Everyone is welcome, and new faces are encouraged!

Chapter Organizer:

Shana Goggins
210 North Broadway #3
Berea, KY 40403