I Love Mountains Day
Celebrating 40 years of action for justice.
It’s an important time for the organization. We’re reflecting back on where we’ve been, what we’ve achieved, and what we’ve learned. We’re making big plans for our future.
Community Health Impacts of Mountaintop Mining
This statement was written by KFTC member Nina McCoy about the community health impacts of large-scale stripmining that remain long after active mining is over.
Testimony on living near MTR by Jeff and Sharman Chapman Crane
This statement was written by KFTC members Jeff and Sharman Chapman-Crane about a day in their life in the shadows of massive strip-mining in eastern Kentucky.
City of Lynch resolution about Black Lung & RECLAIM Act, 2018
In the fall of 2018, the City of Lynch was among more than a dozen local governments to pass a local resolution calling for Congress to pass the RECALIM Act, strengthen the black lung disability trust fund, and protect miners' pensions.
Whitesburg Local Resolution on Black Lung and RECLAIM Act, 2018
In the fall of 2018, Whitesburg, Kentucky was among nearly a dozen local governments in eastern Kentucky to pass a resolution calling on Congress to pass the RECLAIM Act, strengthen the Black Lung Disability Trust Fund, and protect miners' pensions.

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