CKY KFTC Citizen Lobby Training for Advanced and Beginning Citizen Lobbyists | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

CKY KFTC Citizen Lobby Training for Advanced and Beginning Citizen Lobbyists

The election is over and now it's time to hold our elected officials accountable. Whether you are a beginner or an expert citizen lobbyist, this training is for you. We will offer a begginer and advanced track so that we can meet participants at every level. For beginners, learn what citizen lobbying is, best practices and tips, and get the opportunity to practice telling your story. For advanced participants, have an opportunity to learn more about specific bills and issues that will be introduced in the general assembly this year and sharpen your lobbying skills. Also, this is a great opportunity to find out about upcoming opportunities to go to Frankfort and use the skills you have learned. Join us! 

Sponsors of this event: Kentuckians For The Commonwealth, Kentucky Student Environmental Coaltion, and Kentucky Dream Coalition.

January 21, 2016 - 7:00pm to 9:00pm
Event Organizer: 
Beth Howard
Contact Email: 
Event Venue: 
Episcopal Mission House
Event Location: 
203 E. 4th Street
Lexington, KY 40508