Empower Kentucky launch | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Empower Kentucky launch

Members of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth are launching something big, and we hope you will join us for the announcement!

When: Tuesday, October 20 at 12:30 p.m. eastern time (11:30 a.m. Central Time)

What: A public announcement of Empower Kentucky, an exciting new project to engage thousands of Kentuckians in developing a blueprint for a brighter energy future in Kentucky.

How: To see join a visual and audio presentation, log into www.readytalk.com and enter the code 8931147 at the designated time. Or you can tune into the audio portion only by calling 866.740.1260 and entering the same code.

We are ready to Empower Kentucky

KFTC members believe that today, right now, Kentuckians have an important opportunity to design a new, clean energy system for our Commonwealth. This fall we are launching a new project to develop homegrown and commonsense solutions that transform our energy system while creating tens of thousands of new jobs for Kentuckians, protecting our health, generating affordable energy, and doing our part to halt climate change.

The Clean Power Plan invites each state to write our own energy plan. The new federal rule requires states to reduce our carbon pollution from power plants by 2030, and gives us the opportunity to say how to get it done. But if a state chooses not to write its own plan, the EPA will impose a one-size-fits-all solution.

Kentucky’s political leaders have said they will refuse to write a plan for Kentucky. In fact our General Assembly has already turned its back on our future by passing a law refusing to comply with the new rule, even before it was issued. And so, everyday Kentuckians – determined, creative and united – are stepping forward to provide critical leadership.

KFTC’s Empower Kentucky project invites Kentuckians from Paducah to Pikeville to share ideas for solving our energy challenges. We will engage thousands of Kentuckians through interviews, listening sessions, public forums, online surveys, and door-to-door conversations. We will listen. And together we will create a blueprint for a brighter energy future in Kentucky, one that is good for all of us.

We are ready to empower Kentuckians, to empower Kentucky. Our health, our economy, our jobs, our communities – our future – depend on it.

Please join the call on October 20 at 12:30 p.m. to learn how you can help Empower Kentucky!

October 20, 2015 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm
Event Organizer: 
Lisa Abbott
Contact Email: 
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