Coal and Water Resources | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Coal and Water Resources

E.g., 02/2025
E.g., 02/2025

Environmental Justice State Guidance: How to Incorporate Equity and Justice into Your Clean Power Planning Approach

Environmental Justice Leadership Forum on Climate Change

The Environmental Justice Leadership Forum on Climate Change produced this guidance describing ways states can and should prioritize health and equity as they develop plans to comply with the federal Clean Power Plan rule. KFTC's work is featured as a case study. 

KFTC Comments on EPA proposals within Clean Power Plan

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

KFTC provided these comments to the US EPA in response to several complex proposals that were embedded within the final Clean Power Plan rule. We look forward to working with the EPA and the Commonwealth of Kentucky to ensure that the Clean Power Plan is implemented in ways that advance economic, racial and environmental justice. 

KFTC comments to EPA on Proposed Clean Energy Incentive Program

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

In December 2015 KFTC provided comments to the US EPA about a proposed incentive program that is contained within the Clean Power Plan. The Clean Energy Incentive Program encourages states and utilities to invest early in renewable energy and in energy efficiency projects in low-income communities.

Pulp Fiction Part 3: Burning wood may play a big role in EPA rule

Climate Central

As the world tries to shift away from fossil fuels, the energy industry is turning to what seems to be an endless supply of renewable energy: wood. In England and across Europe, wood has become the renewable of choice, with forests — many of them in the U.S. — being razed to help feed surging demand.

Pulp Fiction Part 2: American trees are electrifying Europe

Climate Central

As the world tries to shift away from fossil fuels, the energy industry is turning to what seems to be an endless supply of renewable energy: wood. In England and across Europe, wood has become the renewable of choice, with forests — many of them in the U.S. — being razed to help feed surging demand.

Pulp Fiction Part 1: The European error that is warming the planet

Climate Central

As the world tries to shift away from fossil fuels, the energy industry is turning to what seems to be an endless supply of renewable energy: wood. In England and across Europe, wood has become the renewable of choice, with forests — many of them in the U.S. — being razed to help feed surging demand.

Schemes from the Boardroom: The War by Arch and Peabody on the Aging, Ill, and Disabled

Religious Leaders for Coalfield Justice and Interfaith Worker Justice

This report delivers the findings of a hearing in April 2013 hearing with members of the United Mine Workers of America miners, their families and dependents who are threatened with loss of their health care benefits. Present were retirees and family members, clergy, community and health care officials, union leaders, and labor experts to address how St.

National Rivers and Streams Assessment, 2008-09

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

A new report from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency gauges the overall health of our rives and streams. It found that 55% of the nation’s river and stream miles do not support healthy populations of aquatic life, with phosphorus and nitrogen pollution and poor habitat the most widespread problems. Conditions are even worse in the southern Appalachian region, with 64% of streams and rivers in poor condition.

The Prairie State Coal Plant: The Reality vs. the Promise

Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis

This report describes why communities that bought shares of the new Prairie State coal project face higher than projected initial costs and significant economic risks for the future. 

Looking at the coal mine permit

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Here is a section-by-section summary of what you'll find in a coal mine permit, and what you should look for.
