Economic Justice Resources | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Economic Justice Resources

E.g., 07/2024
E.g., 07/2024

Blue Ribbon Commission: Policy Talking Points

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Planning on speaking at the Blue Ribbon Tax Reform Public Input meetings?  These talking points were designed to help you articulate some of KFTC's specific policy proposals and positions.

Kentucky Forward Plan handout

Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

This fact sheet describes the Kentucky Forward tax reform plan.

Tuition and Taxes handout

Information on how Kentucky's broken tax system is impacting tuition at our state universities.

Inadequate Tax System Has Big Role in Austere Budget

Kentucky Center for Economic Policy

While the still-weak economy and the end of federal recovery-related assistance are important factors in the tight budget now being considered in Frankfort, long-term structural problems with Kentucky’s tax system also play a big role.

Budget Would Further Reduce College Affordability

Kentucky Center for Economic Policy

 The barriers to affordable higher education – especially for low-income Kentuckians – will continue to grow under a budget that cuts funding to postsecondary institutions and limits need-based financial aid.
