Message from Martin County: What's good for E. Ky. good for U.S.A. | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Message from Martin County: What's good for E. Ky. good for U.S.A.

November 21, 2013
Lexington Herald-Leader

The notion of Appalachian exceptionalism has never been reality and is more wrong today than ever.

Far from being an outlier, the region, if anything, is a microcosm of this country and the challenges facing all of America.

Any plan for igniting Eastern Kentucky's moribund economy will have to be built on principles that would work anywhere: Local ownership; support for entrepreneurs; a healthy, educated workforce; healthy land, clean water, good food; towns and parks where people want to visit, live and invest; accountable, honest government; clean energy, and, as Lexington Mayor Jim Gray often says, an authenticity of place.