Racial Justice | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Racial Justice

KFTC is working for a day when discrimination is wiped out of our laws, habits, and hearts.

KFTC Comments on EPA proposals within Clean Power Plan

KFTC provided these comments to the US EPA in response to several complex proposals that were embedded within the final Clean Power Plan rule. We look forward to working with the EPA and the Commonwealth of Kentucky to ensure that the Clean Power Plan is implemented in ways that advance economic, racial and environmental justice. 

KFTC comments to EPA on Proposed Clean Energy Incentive Program

In December 2015 KFTC provided comments to the US EPA about a proposed incentive program that is contained within the Clean Power Plan. The Clean Energy Incentive Program encourages states and utilities to invest early in renewable energy and in energy efficiency projects in low-income communities.

Race: The Power of an Illusion

The Scott County chapter of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth hopes you will join them and the Scott County/Georgetown NAACP for the showing of the final film in the series Race: The Power of an Illusion. The event will begin at 6:30, and features refreshments provided by Georgetown College and a discussion led by members of KFTC and the NAACP.

Race: The Power of An Illusion

Join members of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth and the NAACP as we watch and discuss the film series Race: The Power of An Illusion.


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