Renew Shelby Energy | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Renew Shelby Energy


We are a group of Shelby Energy Rural Electric Cooperative members and customers who believe that our electric co-op can be an open and democratic organization, listening to the concerns of its members who are the owners of the co-ops.

However, these days our co-op is not living up to its own cooperative principle of “Democratic Member Control.”

So, to make our utility a better electric cooperative that is good for us all, we are working to get our co-op back on track.

We are petitioning Shelby Energy, asking them to adopt a Members’ Bill of Rights. We want:

  • open and fair elections,
  • open meetings
  • open records

We support the right for members to attend board meetings and to have issues placed on board meeting agendas, the right to examine the records of the co-op, and the right to open and fair elections including nomination by petition for all board directors, voting by mail-in ballot, and proxy voting prohibited.

We’re working for openness and democracy.

As a customer of Shelby Energy, you are member of a cooperative...this means you are an owner of the power company, too. You should have a voice in the decisions that will affect you for decades. We will introduce a Members’ Bill of Rights that will give us open meetings, open records, and fair elections so members can learn more about their co-op and give their input. 

Sign the Members' Bill of Rights Petition below.