Resources & Publications | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Resources & Publications

ABF conference: Summary of Building Local Food Economy workshop

Notes summarizing the presentations and discussion during the Building a Local Food Economy during the Appalachia's Bright Future conference in Harlan, April 2013.

ABF conference: Summary of Saturday morning second plenary: Transition Stories

A summary of the second panel on Saturday during the Appalachia's Bright Future conference, held in Harlan County, April 2013. The topic of this panel was: Transition Stories.

Just Transition Framework

"Shaping a Just Transition: Toward Appalachia's Bright Future"

A front-and-back one-page handout on a framework for talking about Just Transition in Appalachia.

PDF of ABF conference program

Conference program for the Appalachia's Bright Future conference held in Harlan, KY, April 2013.

ABF conference: Summary of Saturday morning opening plenary

Summary notes for the opening plenary session to the Appalachia's Bright Future Conference held in Harlan, KY, April 2013.

ABF conference: Sue Tallichet's opening statement

KFTC chairperson Sue Tallichet's opening statement during the Saturday plenary session of the Appalachia's Bright Future Conference.

Renewable Energy Standards: State Success Stories

Produced by the Governors' Wind Energy Coalition, this report examines the experiences of states with renewable energy standards, policies that require utilities to get an increasing share of their electricity from renewable sources. The report is brief, easy to read, and compelling.

National Rivers and Streams Assessment, 2008-09

A new report from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency gauges the overall health of our rives and streams. It found that 55% of the nation’s river and stream miles do not support healthy populations of aquatic life, with phosphorus and nitrogen pollution and poor habitat the most widespread problems. Conditions are even worse in the southern Appalachian region, with 64% of streams and rivers in poor condition.

County Profiles

This is a collection of maps of the impacts of strip mining on various Eastern Kentucky counties.

Senate cuts state spending on education, programs, projects

It's good to remember the past...Save the file, then open it, instead of opening from the link above.
