Resources & Publications | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Resources & Publications

GA 2013 Tax Reform Talking Points

A template/collection of talking points that could be useful in communicating about tax reform and the impacts of the budget cuts. Includes a list of budget cut impacts.

Clean Energy Opportunity Act fact sheet

This is our fact sheet for the Clean Energy Opportunity Act for use when lobbying our legislators.

Making our voices heard for clean energy policies

This slideshow is intended to prepare Kentuckians to have effective conversations with their elected officials about the opportunity and need for clean energy policies in our state. It was prepared by the Kentucky Sustainable Energy Alliance in January 2013.

Not-so-smart ALEC: Inside the attacks on renewable energy

This report by Synapse Energy Economics examines factual errors, false assumptions, and distorted economic models used by a right-wing think tank called the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) to attack renewable energy policies in many states. 

Zombie Handbill 2012

Zombie Handbill 2012

National Survey Results: Bipartisan Majority of Americans Want Clean Energy

A national survey conducted in March 2012 shows overwhelming and bipartisan support for clean energy policies that go far beyond what is currently in place, especially in Kentucky. More than 80 percent of the 1,019 people asked agreed with the statement: “The time is now for a new, grassroots-driven politics to realize a renewable energy future.”

Nuts and Bolts of Voter Registration

Here is a short "Nuts and Bolts of Voter Registration" information sheet to quickly guide you through how to register voters in Kentucky.  If you are organizing a voter registration drive, this is a helpful tool to bring with you to answer many of the questions that may come up! 

Chapter Development Armchair Seminar: Planning a Voter Registration Drive!

Did you miss last night's monthly Chapter Development Armchair Seminar that focused on how to register and empower voters in your chapter or other local area?  If so, you can still check out the information by downloading the Power Point slide and some of the presenter's notes now!

KCEP's EITC brief

KCEP logo

The Kentucky Center for Economic Policy's brief about the Earned Income Tax Credit. September 2012.
