It is likely that as a KFTC Leader you will, at one time or another, be asked to speak with a member of the press. This tipsheet will help you be prepared and effective when explaining issues and answering questions.
This is a tipsheet that outlines how to succesfully facilitate and lead group learning. It also provides a list of common challenges a facilitator might face, along with helpful suggestions for moving past these obstacles.
Strong relationships are a key to building powerful, lasting grassroots organizations. This document offers pointers on initiating meaningful conversations and building strong relationships with community members.
This study examined the health-related quality of life of residents in mountaintop mining counties of Appalachia using the 2006 national Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. The researchers compared dependent variables across 3 categories: mountaintop mining (yes or no), other coal mining (yes or no), and a referent nonmining group.
While the still-weak economy and the end of federal recovery-related assistance are important factors in the tight budget now being considered in Frankfort, long-term structural problems with Kentucky’s tax system also play a big role.
The barriers to affordable higher education – especially for low-income Kentuckians – will continue to grow under a budget that cuts funding to postsecondary institutions and limits need-based financial aid.
MACED wanted to understand the impacts legislation like Rep. Marzian’s Clean Energy Opportunity Act (HB 167) might have on jobs, electric bills, and the economy in Kentucky and a comprehensive analysis of a bill like the Clean Energy Opportunity Act has not been part of the policy conversation to date.