We Can Vote flyer - color
The Green New Deal Coalition is calling on Congress to pass a Recovery bill that invests in climate, care, and justice at the scale needed to address multiple overlapping crises. These fact sheets provide details about the benefits of making substantial, bold, transformational investments in public transit, building retrofits, and more.
City planning and zoning processes can be a driving force in advancing racial, environmental, and economic justice and are an important avenue for expressing our vision for our future.
On February 23, 2021, a letter signed by 100 organizations - including KFTC - was sent to members of Congress, urging support for a 7-part platform of policies to transform rural electric cooperatives and the communities they serve. KFTC and Mountain Association are founding members of the Rural Power Coalition, which drafted and circulated the sign-on letter.
Kentuckians Urge Relief and a Fundamental Reshaping of Our Economy
A statement from Kentuckians For The Commonwealth as House COVID Relief plan advances
February 23, 2021
Redistricting Handout Feb 2021
An op-ed by KFTC member and Apogee - Climate and Energy Transitions Director Andy McDonald, about why the Kentucky Municipal Energy Agency (KYMEA) should consider investments in renewable energy over fossil fuels during their Integrated Resource Plan process.
This summary was prepared by the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities to inform people about the impact of the Heroes Act (HR 6800) on people and communities in Kentucky. The Heroes Act was passed by the US House in June of 2020 and contains many provisions to provide robust federal aid to people, workers, states, local governments, and local and state boards of election.
Graphic illustration of process for requesting and voting by amil-in absentee ballot.