A sample petition for those working on a Members' Bill of Rights campaign. This is the petition form used by members of the Owen Electric Cooperative here in Kentucky.
A map (originally from the KY Public Service Commission) modified to show all the 16 distribution cooperatives who receive energy from the East Kentucky Power Cooperative.
A 1-page handout that's an overview of the Clean Energy Collaborative of which KFTC is a part with other allies, the East Kentucky Power Cooperative, and the 16 rural electric cooperatives served by EKPC.
This .pdf contains KFTC's platform of the reforms we're working toward in the rural electric cooperatives. This platform was developed by KFTC members and approved by KFTC's Steering Committee in 2010.
The Clean Energy Opportunity Act is a bill in the Kentucky General Assembly that would open the door for clean energy investments in Kentucky through a Renewable and Efficiency Portfolio Standard (REPS) and feed-in tarriffs for renewable energy production.