Resources & Publications | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Resources & Publications

Stand For Kentucky Action call recording

Click here to download and listen to the February 9, 2017, Stand For Kentucky Action Call. 

KFTC Environmental Justice Analysis - Preliminary Report and Documentation

This report provides full documentation of several preliminary maps produced by KFTC's Environmental Justice Workteam. Feedback is welcome to [email protected]. A final report will be published in early 2017. 

Telephone Town Hall on just transition audio recording

Download the audio recording for the Telephone Town Hall: Just Transition in Coal Communities and What You Can Do on November 30, 2016.

FERC Environment Assessment Kinder Morgan re-purposed TGP

This is the draft Environmental Assessment by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) on Kinder Morgan's application to re-purpose the Tennessee Gas Pipeline that runs through Kentucky from natural gas service to hazardous natural gas liquids.

Draft framework for the Empower Kentucky Plan, 2016

This draft was shared with participants at the Empower Kentucky Summit, September 30-October 1 in Louisville. Feedback is welcome. Comments may be sent to [email protected]. A final plan will be released in early 2017. 

Kentucky's Changing Energy Landscape - A presentation at 2016 A Seat At The Table events

This is a recording of a slide show presentation about Kentucky's changing energy landscape used during a series of public events - called A Seat At The Table - held in the spring of 2016 to gather public input about Kentucky's energy future. These events were part of KFTC's Empower Kentucky project. 

Low Income Solar Policy Guide

This report from the Center for Social Inclusion, Grid Alternatives and Vote Solar describes model policies to ensure that low-income communities have access to the benefits of solar energy - including access to jobs, health, and affordable, reliable energy.

Model guidelines and policies for making renewable energy accessible for low and moderate income households

This report from the Interstate Renewable Energy Council (IREC) describes ways states, communities and utilities can open the doors to solar and other renewable energy sources for low and moderate income homes and people living in economically distressed communities.

Environmental Justice State Guidance: How to Incorporate Equity and Justice into Your Clean Power Planning Approach

The Environmental Justice Leadership Forum on Climate Change produced this guidance describing ways states can and should prioritize health and equity as they develop plans to comply with the federal Clean Power Plan rule. KFTC's work is featured as a case study. 

KFTC Comments on EPA proposals within Clean Power Plan

KFTC provided these comments to the US EPA in response to several complex proposals that were embedded within the final Clean Power Plan rule. We look forward to working with the EPA and the Commonwealth of Kentucky to ensure that the Clean Power Plan is implemented in ways that advance economic, racial and environmental justice. 
