Resources & Publications | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Resources & Publications

Competitiveness of Renewables and Efficiency in US Markets, 2015

This report critiques official US government estimates of the costs and growth potential for renewable energy and energy efficiency. It makes the case that renewable energy and energy efficiency are competitive resources in today's marketplace that can provide cost-effective ways for states to comply with the EPA's Clean Power Plan. 

The EPA's Clean Power Plan, Jobs, and Labor

This report summarizes an analysis of the impact on US jobs of the EPA's draft clean power plan, and describes ways organized labor (and allies) can work to shape state implementation plans in ways that advance job growth, protection for displaced workers, environmental justice and climate protection objectives.

How the Clean Power Plan Actually Works

This article does a good job explaining the basics of the EPA's Clean Power Plan which aims to reduce harmful climate pollution from US power plants by 2030.

The Best Value for America's Energy Dollar

This report looks at the costs of various energy efficiency measures and programs being deployed across the US.

The Toll from Coal

This study provides updated information on the burden of death and disease from coal-based electricity production across the United States. Estimated impacts are based on projected power sector emissions in 2010.

Renewable Energy Status Report, 2014

This international report describes the state of renewable energy development around the world. Key findings include: renewable energy technologies set new installation records as their contribution to the global energy mix continued to climb in 2013.

US National Climate Assessment, 2014

The US National Climate Assessment assesses the science of climate change and its impacts across the United States, now and throughout this century.

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 5th Assessment Report

This international report provides the most comprehensive view of the current state of scientific knowledge relevant to climate change.


Energy Wire's Power Plan Toolbox

This site compiles many high profile articles and publications, representing diverse perspectives, about the impact and implementation of the EPA's Clean Power Plan. 

Implementing the EPA's Clean Power Plan, a menu of options

This tool for state agencies and other stakeholders describes many options states have to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from their power sector and comply with the EPA's Clean Power Plan. 
