Resources & Publications | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Resources & Publications

How To Have an Impact on Your Rural Electric Cooperative

A four-page booklet on the background of rural electric cooperatives, tips for getting involved, and co-op role models. The information is not specific to Kentucky, but is a good general resource for getting involved in your rural electric co-op.

East Kentucky Power Service Area

A map (originally from the KY Public Service Commission) modified to show all the 16 distribution cooperatives who receive energy from the East Kentucky Power Cooperative.

The Clean Energy Collaborative 1-pager

A 1-page handout that's an overview of the Clean Energy Collaborative of which KFTC is a part with other allies, the East Kentucky Power Cooperative, and the 16 rural electric cooperatives served by EKPC.

KFTC's Platform of Rural Electric Cooperative Reforms

This .pdf contains KFTC's platform of the reforms we're working toward in the rural electric cooperatives. This platform was developed by KFTC members and approved by KFTC's Steering Committee in 2010.

Database of State Incentives for Renewables and Efficiency

This database has information about renewable and efficiency programs in all 50 states. Click here to visit the site.

North Carolina REPS

North Carolina has adopted a Renewable and Efficiency Portfolio Standard (REPS). Click here to learn more.

Ohio's Advanced Energy Plan

Ohio has embraced what it calls "Advanced Energy." Click here to read about Ohio's commitment.

Kentucky Solar Energy Society

Kentucky Solar Energy Society includes solar professionals, engineers, concerned citizens, educators, goatherders, lawyers, government officials and utility company representatives. All want to make Kentucky stronger, healthier, more productive and more secure through energy efficiency and renewable energy.Click here to visit their website.

Kentucky Solar Partnership

The Kentucky Solar Partnership is a project of Appalachia - Science in the Public Interest to give voice to members of our community who want the use of solar energy to flourish in our state. Click to visit their website.
