Air Quality | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Air Quality

Economic benefits of clean energy described at hearing

A Renewable and Efficiency Portfolio Standard (REPS) in Kentucky would create jobs, save money, improve public health and invigorate the economy members of the House Economic Development Committee were told Thursday morning.

Environmental Justice State Guidance: How to Incorporate Equity and Justice into Your Clean Power Planning Approach

The Environmental Justice Leadership Forum on Climate Change produced this guidance describing ways states can and should prioritize health and equity as they develop plans to comply with the federal Clean Power Plan rule. KFTC's work is featured as a case study. 

KFTC Comments on EPA proposals within Clean Power Plan

KFTC provided these comments to the US EPA in response to several complex proposals that were embedded within the final Clean Power Plan rule. We look forward to working with the EPA and the Commonwealth of Kentucky to ensure that the Clean Power Plan is implemented in ways that advance economic, racial and environmental justice. 

KFTC comments to EPA on Proposed Clean Energy Incentive Program

In December 2015 KFTC provided comments to the US EPA about a proposed incentive program that is contained within the Clean Power Plan. The Clean Energy Incentive Program encourages states and utilities to invest early in renewable energy and in energy efficiency projects in low-income communities.

Senators Voting to Block EPA Rules Received 17 Times as Much Money from the Coal Mining Industry

U.S. Senators voting to block EPA’d climate change rules received, on average, 17 times as much money ($75,802) from the coal mining industry compared to senators voting against them ($4,464) between April 1, 2009 and March 31, 2015. Thirteen senators, including both Kentucky senators – Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul – received more than $100,000 from the coal mining industry.


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