Air Quality | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Air Quality

Air Quality Work Team Meeting

The Jefferson County Chapter of KFTC will begin addressing air quality issues in our city, particularly as they pertain to the communities surrounding Rubbertown chemical plants and LG&E power plants. We will hold our second strategy meeting so members can continue shaping this local campaign. Please consider joining this meeting and sharing your ideas with the group.

Jefferson County Air Quality Work Team Meeting

The Jefferson County Chapter recently decided to address local air quality issues, particularly as they pertain to the communities surrounding Rubbertown chemical plants and LG&E power plants. Please join us at our first strategy meeting as we begin shaping our local campaign.

What if Kentucky actually took a leadership role on climate change?

Kentucky has plenty of politicians and business executives. But at this critical moment in history, what it really needs are leaders.

Appalachian residents heard in report to the United Nations

Sally Dunne, Loretto

The voices and stories of Appalachian residents, including KFTC members, were shared recently with the United Nations Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals.

Utilities Switch Off Investment in Fossil Fuel Plants

Decreased demand for electricity, lower carbon prices and the competitiveness of renewable forms of energy are making new fossil fuel plants a bad investment decision in Europe. What does this mean for the United States?


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