Air Quality | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Air Quality

EKU Presentation “Surface and Underground Coal Mining"

The EKU Environmental Health Science club is hosting a talk with top environmental attorney Tom Fitzgerald on Wednesday, September 26th at 7:30 p.m.

Kentucky leads nation in toxic pollution from power plants

While toxic air emissions decreased nationwide, they increased in Kentucky. Meanwhile, Kentucky politicians are voting to make sure our air stays unhealthy.

Evaluation of Nine Ky Power Plant SO2 Compliance

Some of Kentucky's largest working-class communities are being put at risk by power plants that are violating national clean air standards, according to a new report from the Sierra Club and the Kentucky Environmental Foundation. Their study finds that nine power plants, most located next to major cities, are spewing out more sulfur dioxide than they should be.The nine are:

Nine Kentucky power plants violating sulfur dioxide rules

Some of Kentucky's largest working-class communities are being put at risk by power plants that are violating national clean air standards, according to a new report from the Sierra Club and the Kentucky Environmental Foundation.


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