Black Lung | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Black Lung

Stronger regulations needed for black lung

Word that the number of new black lung diagnoses has doubled in the last decade underscores the need for the Obama administration to move quickly on new, more stringent federal mine safety regulations limiting the amount of breathable coal dust found in the nation’s coal mines.

Black Lung rule loopholes leave miners vulnerable - part 2

Thousands of coal miners continued to suffer and die from black lung during the 40 years that tough new limits on exposure to coal dust were supposed to provide protection.

As Mine Protections Fail, Black Lung Cases Surge - part 1

A joint investigation by National Public Radio and the Center for Public Integrity found that the incidence of the disease that steals the breath of coal miners doubled in the last decade, according to data analyzed by epidemiologist Scott Laney at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health.

Kentucky surface miners hit hard by black lung, study finds

A new assessment of black lung disease by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention found a higher than expected rate of the disease among workers on surface mine operations. The occurrence of the disease is higher in Central Appalachian states, including Kentucky.

"Obamacare" to help Black Lung benefit recipients

Proposed changes to U.S. Department of Labor rules would make it easier for coal miners and their families to obtain black lung benefits, while a West Virginia congressman aims to reduce the amount of paperwork they have to fill out in the first place.


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