featured | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Students and KFTC members demand that Kroger supports worker's rights

University of Kentucky and Bluegrass Community and Technical college students were joined by KFTC members to deliver petitions and letters to the Euclid Ave Kroger store in Lexington asking them to support worker's rights in Florida.


State fails enforcement test, blames laboratories

Two coal companies operating in eastern Kentucky have agreed to pay more than $300,000 each in fines for major violations of the Clean Water Act that they had previously categorically denied.

Breaking News: SMITH PLANT CANCELLED! Clean energy collaboration planned.


UPDATED: Check the bottom of this blog post for news updates as they come in.



We have some great news to announce: The coal-burning power plant proposed by the East Kentucky Power Cooperative (EKPC) has been canceled by the utility.

PNC to stop financing MTR, support renewables instead

One of the largest bank operations in Kentucky will stop financing mountaintop removal and has committed to supporting renewables.

Gov. Beshear bows to coal again

The Lexington Herald-Leader had a great editorial Sunday describing how the Beshear administration overruled an administrative judge's ruling to give a pollution permit to one of his campaign contributors. This is one of a series of actions recently by the governor to block the U.S. EPA from enforcing the Clean Water Act.


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