featured | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Massive boulder rips through a Floyd County home

bolder 1Last Friday Billy & Eileen Tussy arrived home to find a massive boulder had crashed into the

KFTC / Wellstone Training at Hindman a Success

There are a lot of challenges to running and winning in Easten Kentucky. 

But is all hope lost? 

Heck no!

               - Mike Dixon

Transitioning beyond the Appalachian coal economy

The following is an except from an article in KFTC's most recent newsletter, Balancing the Scales. Go here to read the entire article bts article: Appalachian Transition


KFTC's anniversary

It was 28 years ago that KFTC became "official."  According to the book Making History: The First Ten Years of KFTC,

"Twenty-six people from 12 counties formally organized and named the Kentucky Fair Tax Coalition on August 17, 1981. They also agreed on a statement of purpose:


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