hydraulic fracking, horizontal drilling
Tackling the A-Z Impacts of Plastics
Members of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth have built connections with allies across the Ohio River valley over the past few years around the fight to protect ORSANCO's regulatory mission.
NKY Environmental Justice Meeting
Join our environmental justice committee to discuss ongoing work around the Ohio River, energy democracy, RECLAIM Act, Empower Kentucky, the Green New Deal, and ensuring that we all have access to clean water and clean air.
Environmental Justice Meeting
Join us as we talk about ongoing environmental justice work - RECLAIM, co-op reform, local sustainability practices, and more!
NKY Environmental Justice Meeting
Join us as we discuss ongoing work locally, regionally, and statewide around creating a more sustainable Kentucky! We are working for clean air and water for all - regardless of where we live, or what we earn. From co-op reform, clean energy incentives, protecting our water, and more - this is the committee for you!
ORSANCO Makes Standards Voluntary
On June 6, the current standards set by the Ohio River Valley Sanitation Commission (ORSANCO) for monitoring water quality in the Ohio River became voluntary. Only two of the commissioners representing eight member states and the federal government voted against the measure.

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