General Assembly | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

General Assembly

Lift every voice and ask the Senate to support HB 70

19 civil rights march 3.5.14As the Kentucky General Assembly enters the final days of the 2014 session, your voice is needed to help move voting rights legislation across the finish line.

Take Action

Please call the legislative message line today at 1-800-372-7181. Leave this message for your state senator: “I urge you to restore voting rights by supporting HB 70. Please ask your leadership to move this bill to a conference committee, and to reach a just agreement with the House. Now is the time.”

AT&T accused of misleading lawmakers about bill allowing carriers to drop land-line service

AT&T executives gave misleading testimony to a House committee about the impact of a phone deregulation bill that would allow major carriers to drop many land-line phone customers.

If you're not in Frankfort for KFTC's Economic Justice Lobby Day, call in!

KFTC members and allies are headed to Frankfort to speak out for policies that would build new economic power in Kentucky, and to defend against policies that would move Kentucky in the wrong direction. You can join in from home!

Live stream of Voting Rights prayer vigil

Starting at 11:30 EDT, members of the Nia Community of Faith led by Pastor Anthony Everett will be leading a prayer vigil in support of House Bill 70, our restoration of voting rights amendment, in the annex offices of the Senate in Frankfort. We will be streaming live video from the vigil on this page. So please join us, and let us know what you think in our comments.

Live streaming video by Ustream

Help keep HB 70 moving!

After the Senate gutted the voting rights amendment (HB 70), the bill went back to the bill went back to the House where they rejected the Senate's changes. Now the Senate has the opportunity to restore the bill to its original form. It is important that we keep this process moving, so we need your calls to Senate.

Please call 800-372-7181 and leave a message for your senator and all members of the Senate. Tell them, “Please restore the House version of House Bill 70.”

Thank you for taking action!


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