General Assembly | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

General Assembly

EPA's duty to limit the Party of Coal

The two-party arrangement in Kentucky really has not much to do with Republicans and Democrats. The two parties that actually matter are the Party of Coal and the Party of All Else.

Broad coalition calls for lessening bridge toll costs

A full-time minimum wage worker whose job required crossing the Ohio River every day would have to work 69 hours to pay the tolls on new bridges being built in Louisville.

For that reason, KFTC stood with many other groups, state legislators and individuals on Tuesday in support of mechanisms to lessen or eliminate this additional cost on workers who can least afford it.

Some lawmakers question selenium regulation

Some lawmakers believe the Cabinet for Energy and Environment deliberately tried to confuse them about a controversial new regulation governing how much selenium can be discharged into Kentucky streams by mining operations.

Renewable Energy Standards: State Success Stories

Produced by the Governors' Wind Energy Coalition, this report examines the experiences of states with renewable energy standards, policies that require utilities to get an increasing share of their electricity from renewable sources. The report is brief, easy to read, and compelling.

Uphold the Veto of HB 279!

Responding to overwhelming public opposition, on Friday Gov. Steve Beshear vetoed House Bill 279.

The bill drew opposition from the state’s own Human Rights Commission, mayors of Covington, Louisville and Lexington, dozens of organizations including KFTC, and some religious leaders and faith communities.


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