Leadership Development | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Leadership Development

KFTC Steering Committee meeting

Location to be announced.

KFTC members are "Facing Race" in Baltimore this weekend!

9 KFTC members and staff are in Baltimore, MD right now participating in a large national gathering called Facing Race.  The conference is made up of 1,400 participants from across the country working on racial justice issues.  There was an opening plenary this morning that discussed the results of the 2012 election on organizing for racial justice.

KFTC members discuss diversity, celebrate good work

"You're reading the status of one of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth's newest members! :) The overall feeling I took away from my KFTC weekend was pride. Seeing folks from all over our commonwealth, coming together for the betterment of everyone, not just a select few. As Kentuckians, we are bombarded with negative images/stereotypes/bad politics constantly. I've never loved this land and its people more than I do right now and I'm more than hopeful for our shared future. If you love Kentucky, join us!"

--Facebook post by Sarah Martin, who attended her first KFTC Annual Membership Meeting last weekend

About 175 folks from across Kentucky took over the Kentucky Leadership Center in Jabez last weekend for KFTC’s Annual Membership Meeting. Surrounded by new and long-time friends and a palette of fall color, members considered the theme “Celebrating Our Differences: Finding Common Ground.”

Keynote speaker K.A. Owens, a past chair of KFTC, described the importance of diversity in making change.

“I believe that diversity is not a chore; it’s not a burden,” Owens said. “We believe in diversity because it’s right, because it works and because it’s fun. There is no reason for anybody to moan and groan because we are talking about diversity. Diversity is the best thing that ever happened to America, and it would not be great without it.”

Annual Meeting 2012 Speakers

Get a sneak peek at the talented guest speakers and presenters lined up so far for this year's KFTC Annual Meeting by clicking here!  This list is not complete -- we'll continue to update it as we get more speakers confirmed.


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