Power Plants | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Power Plants

Utilities don't plan to join the fight against the Clean Power Plan

This article summarizes Wall Street Journal findings that most utilities will not join the legal fight against the EPA's Clean Power Plan. The utilities say the new standard aligns with market forces the industry has already been following, includng a greater focus on energy efficiency and renewable energy.

Solar and wind power surge as mining and drilling falter

While the production of fossil fuels drops in the U.S., solar and wind power is skyrocketing as technology and cheaper financing drive down the costs.

2015 Louisville Sustainability Summit: Improving our Air Quality

This event is sponsored by the Louisville Sustainability Council.

It's a matter of principle: 2015 EPA Environmental Justice Workshop

The Environmental Protection Agency is hosting an Environmental Justice (EJ) workshop for various stakeholder groups in Kentucky. 

Take action for clean energy in Kentucky

Kentuckians have a number of important opportunities to take action for clean energy in the coming week. Please mark your calendars, take action, and show support for a clean energy future.


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