State Budget | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

State Budget

Blue Ribbon Frankfort Meeting

Not a public input meeting, but if you can make it out for a chunk of this, come on out so we maintain our presence as the Blue Ribbon Commission moves forward with recommendations.

Blue Ribbon Frankfort Meeting

Not a public input meeting, but if you can make it out for a chunk of this, come on out so we maintain our presence as the Blue Ribbon Commission moves forward with recommendations.

Tax reform is a hot topic in Kentucky this week, and KFTC members are featured

Molly Tevis Orona

Today, a panel of economists released their slate of options to the Blue Ribbon Tax Reform Commission.

KCEP's EITC brief

KCEP logo

The Kentucky Center for Economic Policy's brief about the Earned Income Tax Credit. September 2012.

U of L president critical of cuts to education

University of Louisville President James Ramsey spoke out yesterday against unnamed politicians who "talk of education’s failures while espousing policies that fail to invest in education.” He noted that the university has been through 13 rounds of cuts in 12 years. 


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