Voter Empowerment | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Voter Empowerment

Together Frankfort Reclaiming Our Democracy Campaign Launch

Together Frankfort invites citizens to participate in our 2019 Reclaiming Our Democracy Campaign, with a film screening starring Kentuckian Jennifer Lawrence and a Kentucky voting and campaign finance expert, Joshua Douglas, author of VOTE FOR US – How to Take Back Our Elections and Change the Future of Voting, 6 PM, Tuesday, April 16, KSU’s Cooperative Extension Auditorium in Frankfort.

Election Day

Polls open 6am to 6pm 

To learn about who's on your ballot, where they stand on issues, find your voting location, and much more, visit

Plan on volunteering with your local KFTC chapter for the day for rides to the polls and visibility work!    

Primary Election Day

Polls open 6am to 6pm 

To learn about who's on your ballot, where they stand on issues, find your voting location, and much more, visit

Plan on volunteering with your local KFTC chapter for the day for rides to the polls and visibility work!    


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