Voter Empowerment | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Voter Empowerment

How Absentee Voting works in Kentucky

29626112627_8f4825f8ec_oOn election day, Tuesday, Nov 6th, polls in Kentucky will be open 6am to 6pm.

Unconditional Early Voting isn't allowed in Kentucky (as it is in many states), but in most cases, if you won't be in the Kentucky county where you're registered to vote on election day, you can vote absentee.

To vote absentee, there are several hoops to jump through, so it's good to start early:

1. You have to be registered to vote and you have to know what county you're registered in.  You can check that at

KY Voter Registration Deadline Tomorrow (Tuesday 10/9)

GetDown 2018

Tomorrow (Tuesday, 10/9) is the voter registration deadline in the state of Kentucky. 

If you're not registered, or need to update your voter address, get down to your local County Clerk's office or register online.

If you want to check your voter registration status just to be safe, visit the Voter Information Center.

Students who are away from home going to school have the right to either use a permanent home address or temporary local address as their voting address, but we encourage students to consider registering locally especially if home is far away

Capturing The Flag - A Film

Our friends at WRFL 88.1 invites us to this free movie.  It's powerful film about voting and voting rights. 

Trailer -

We registered 120 students today on UK campus! (and 2 weeks left until the deadline!)

Todg20180925_111656ay is exactly 2 weeks until the October 9th, 2018 Kentucky Voter Registration Deadline. It's also National Voter Registration Day.

The Central Kentucky KFTC Chapter took that occasion to register 120 students on UK's campus at a loud and powerful voter registration table, spreading the word to make sure students know that they have the right to be registered locally, even if they're from far away.

If you're not registered, or need to update your voter address, get down to your local County Clerk's office or register online -


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