Voter Empowerment | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Voter Empowerment

Jefferson County Voter Empowerment 101

It’s a big election year and Kentuckians For The Commonwealth has a vision for a healthier, stronger democracy – a democracy that is authentic and participatory – a democracy where everyone has a voice. If you believe in this vision, join us for Voter Empowerment 101, a day of learning, sharing and planning to create a stronger, healthier democracy in Kentucky this election season. 

Voter Empowerment 101

It’s a big election year and Kentuckians For The Commonwealth has a vision for a healthier, stronger democracy where everyone has a voice.

Central Kentucky Voter Empowerment 101 Training

It’s a big election year and Kentuckians For The Commonwealth has a vision for a healthier, stronger democracy -- a  democracy that is authentic and participatory -- a democracy where everyone has a voice.

Jefferson County Chapter Meeting

Join us for our monthly chapter meeting. This month we'll be joined by guests from Kentuckians for Single Payer Healthcare. We'll also discuss Governor Bevin's Medicaid Waiver proposal and start making voter empowerment plans for the November 2016 General Election. Come learn and share with us!


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