Water Quality | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Water Quality

Don't allow more toxic selenium in our water!

Why is the new standard flawed?

Dangerous levels of selenium are showing up in more and more of our streams below coal mining operations. Even at low levels, selenium causes deformities and death in fish, and since it bio-accumulates in tissue it will work its way up the food chain.

Tom Eblen: Capitol Education Center is evidence that progress can penetrate politics

But this year, there was something new for the young people to see as they participated in I Love Mountains Day: the Capitol Education Center, which teaches about sustainable energy and lifestyles. It's a stark contrast to the Beshear administraiton that promotes policies that do just the opposite.

Water-quality rules scrutinized; Cabinet tried to avoid public review

This editorial points out criticisms raised by KFTC members and many ally organizations about the Beshear Administration's effort to rush through new, weaker standards for selenium pollution. "If there's one thing we can count on from the Beshear administration, it's a willingness to sacrifice Kentucky's water to the coal industry."

Strong testimony helps delay bad selenium rule

A legislative subcommittee today took action to defer for at least 30 days approval of a weakened water quality standard for selenium.

That was a victory for Kentucky residents who made that request to the Administrative Regulation Review Subcommittee at a hearing Monday afternoon.

Live streaming today's selenium hearing

We will be providing some live video coverage from this afternoon's hearing to weaken our state's water quality standards on selenium on our Ustream channel. We will begin streaming near the start of the hearing at 1 p.m. EST.


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