workshop | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Grassroots Organizing Training Workshop

Are you interested in building or working on a powerful local campaign?

CKY members discuss the impacts of budget cuts on kids, and learn how to negotiate with people in power

DSCN0232Central Kentucky chapter members had a packed agenda for their February monthly meeting. Before the official meeting started, community member Will Bunge led a discussion about the ways that budget cuts were affecting Kentucky's kids, especially kids in foster care. As a former foster child himself, Will talked about the importance of supporting efforts that would make the foster care system more just, that supported folks receiving kinship care and about the possibility of alternative foster communities. He and his partner Susan are interested in starting a not-for profit alternative foster care community in Frankfort. If you're interested in learning more about their project, you can get in touch with them at (502) 523-1674 or [email protected]

During the chapter meeting, CKY Organizer Beth Howard led a great training on how to negotiate with "power people." She explained the different ways that people in authority might try to get out of making commitments in meetings or change the topic of conversation. She taught chapter members valuable skills on how to recognize these tactics.

CKY lobby training was a success

DSC_4709The Central Kentucky chapter of Kentuckians for the Commonwealth had their monthly chapter meeting on January 17th at 7 p.m. with 24  members in attendance. The chapter meeting focused on a lobby training for members and an opportunity to meet the new Central Kentucky organizer Beth Howard. The lobby training focused on topics such as how a bill becomes a law, what grassroots citizen lobbying looks like, and what bills KFTC members will be actively suporting during the 2013 general assembly. Members also came together to make Valentine’s Day cards for Governor Steve Beshear to be delivered on I Love Mountains Day on February 14th. The valentines urge the governor to do more to protect Kentucky's air, water, mountains and communities.

Appalachian Community Economic Series

Appalachian Community Economic Series


…Better known as ACES, is a series of workshops to share information about sustainable economic opportunities, and cultivate ongoing discussions about economic issues facing Wise County and Southwest Virginia.  WHEN?   Every other Saturday from October 20th  to December 1st, 2012 1-9 pm.



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