Kentucky deserves better than this. Kentuckians can do better than this.
Dear [fname],
Stand for Kentucky
If you want to have your voice heard and your face seen, Standing for Kentucky, you can join with KFTC members and allies to take any or all of these actions:
❏ Call your legislator this week at home and tell them to oppose HB 169 and HB 227 (both bills are before the full Senate, and would have to be voted on again by the full House if approved by the Senate)
❏ Call your legislators and tell them Kentucky deserves better than their budget and tax bill. The governor's veto is the legislature's opportunity to do the right thing. Tell legislators to scrap the budget, scrap the tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations, and start over with the aim of investing in Kentucky's future.
❏ Join us in Frankfort on Friday and, if necessary, Saturday. We’ll be rallying in support of the Kentucky we know is possible. KFTC’s table will focus on the groundwork that we can lay now, to make this November memorable.
❏ Register to vote. Lots of folks aren’t. Here’s how you can register online (by April 23 to vote in the May primary). And then make sure your friends and neighbors are registered.
❏ Join a KFTC Action for Democracy Team in your region to identify, register, educate and engage voters for the May primary and November general elections. Contact your local KFTC organizer or Alicia Hurle at [email protected] or 502-589-3188.
❏ Host a house party of your friends or family to learn how to get involved in our local and state government. We can help you organize your event.
❏ Become a KFTC PowerBuilder to recruit your friends and family to become members of KFTC and get involved. Ask us how.
❏ Be vocally supportive of public spaces and institutions that do good in your community – schools, libraries, family resource centers, universities. Organize and join local demonstrations of community support.
❏ Host a Town Hall Legislative Debrief with your local lawmakers: what just happened, how will it impact our community, and what’s next.
❏ As we continue to build transformational power for change in Kentucky, keep creating the beloved community that Kentucky deserves, in all the ways and spaces that we can.
In just a short time, we have learned we can expect almost anything from our still new governor and even newer state legislature, yet still they manage to surprise. Their intention to harm reached new heights these past ten days when the General Assembly passed – with no public discussion – a state budget designed to dismantle our most important public institutions, and tax changes that shift more tax responsibility off the wealthiest Kentuckians and onto the rest of us.
Kentucky deserves better. Kentuckians can do better.
Then Monday, Governor Bevin vetoed both bills, apparently because they are not harmful enough. He wants a budget with less investment in our future, and tax shifts with more breaks for the wealthy. You can’t make this stuff up.
Kentucky deserves better. Kentuckians can do better.
It is possible for Kentucky communities to thrive – with strong public schools, new jobs and clean energy, health care for all of us, a justice system that is just, and opportunities for young people. But, to get there, we’ll need honest, courageous leadership in Frankfort.
KFTC members, friends, families, and allies have been in Frankfort since January 2, calling for a moral budget and fair tax reform to create new revenue. We’ve helped hold the line against HB 169, a bill that would increase the jailing of young people of color. We’ve pushed back against HB 227, a bill designed to block the growth of solar jobs and clean energy in Kentucky.
Legislators will come back to Frankfort for the final two days of their regular session this Friday and Saturday. They can attempt to override the governor’s vetoes, and they can still pass other legislation, including HB 169 or HB 227.
They also have the option to reverse course and pass a new, fair budget and progressive tax reform like the KFTC supported legislation that’s been on their desks for a decade.
We’ve been in Frankfort for three months, and we’ll be there again this week; and yes, we’ll remember in November. But the work of November must begin in May. Kentuckians deserve better than this. If we wish to see our communities thrive, we Kentuckians will have to do better than this.
If you can make it to Frankfort
Gather with Kentuckians in Frankfort on Friday and, if necessary, Saturday. We’ll be there – alongside public workers, friends, Black Lives Matter, teachers and neighbors in support of the Kentucky we know is possible. Look for KFTC’s table out front!
Other details about the day
- People will begin to arrive to the Capitol building at 8 a.m. The legislature will go into session at 10 a.m.
- KFTC will have a table. Come by and say hello and get some materials to share with the crowd.
- There are lots of great options for t-shirt colors. If you have a green KFTC shirt, wear it. You could also wear red in solidarity with teachers and public workers, and/or black in opposition to HB 167.
- Plan on spending most of the day outside. Folks will be able to get inside the Capitol building, but it will be crowded and only 500 people allowed in the building. There will be a *lot* going on.
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