Support Votings Rights – HB 70! | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Support Votings Rights – HB 70!

HB 70, our bill to restore voting rights to former felons who have served their debt to society, is assigned to the Senate State and Local Government Committee. The chair of this committee in previous years has prevented the bill from being heard, but there is a new chair, Senator Joe Bowen. But so far he as not called the bill for a hearing and vote. He is much more likely to hold a hearing on the bill _with the approval of Senate leaders – if they hear from you.

In addition to the bill's movement, our members have been involved in a lot of exciting actions lately, including citizen lobbying, getting the Lexington City Council to unanimously vote for a resolution supporting HB 70, and community meetings around the state. Additionally a poll came out this week showing that a majority of Kentuckians favor this amendment. So momentum is on our side, but we have to keep it up!

Take Action

Please take two minutes and call the legislative message line, 1-800-372-7181, leaving a message for your own senator plus "Senate Leadership" and "Senate State and Local Government Committee members." A good, simple message is "Please allow a hearing and vote on House Bill 70." The line is open 7 a.m. until 11 p.m. EDT Monday - Thursdays, and until 6 p.m. on Fridays.

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