| Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

$2,000 raised at Annual Pie Auction

This past weekend, the Madison County chapter raised money in style. At the chapter’s annual Pie Auction, held in the basement of Union Church in Berea, chapter members brought pies to be auctioned off to raise money for KFTC’s citizen lobbying efforts. This year, KFTC split the proceeds with the West Virginia Water Project, an organization created to deliver water to the people whose drinking water was poisoned by the recent chemical spill around the state capital of Charleston.


The pies donated to the auction ranged from the delicious Sausage-Apple-Quiche pie, made by the chapter’s own Megan Naseman and Beth Bissmeyer, to the anonymously donated “air pie” (no fat, no sugar, no guilt). Union Church pastor Kent Gilbert’s skillful auctioneering helped to raise over $2,000 throughout the evening, an unprecedented amount for the annual event. The highest bid went for Megan and Beth’s raspberry pecan pie, which sold for $126, and Kent’s auctioneering even rose $25 for the air pie.

 Untitled 2014 Madison County Pie Auction

After the last pie was sold and delivered to its winner, the Down Home Divas (Berea College’s Ethan Hamblin and Sam Gleaves) performed a special rendition of Gospel Plow, encouraging the generous audience to “keep your eyes on the pies.” The Madison County Chapter has hit upon a great formula: combine pies, great music, and friendly competition for a great time and a successful event.



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