2008 Electoral Organizers Hired and Ready! | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

2008 Electoral Organizers Hired and Ready!

   This week, 14 KFTC Electoral Organizers start work across the state. For the next 11 weeks,  they'll help members to identify, register, educate, and mobilize 15,000 voters between now and Election Day to build grassroots voting power that will have an impact this year that we can build upon next year and every year after.

   We have a fantastic team with a strong mix of skills, experiences, and backgrounds including lots of active KFTC members, people with experience in ally organizations, advanced degrees, three former felons, and people with tremendous excitement, dedication, and life experiences

2008 Electoral Organizer Training


Jefferson County

- Whit Forrester – A KFTC member and returning Electoral Organizer from last year. 

- Carl Matthews – A former felon KFTC met a year ago who just got his right to vote back a couple of weeks ago.  Came to the Voter Empowerment training in Louisville.

- Amar Shah – A student activist at UofL who has worked with KFTC throughout the year.  Came to the Voter Empowerment training in Louisville.

- Doante Davis – Active with Women in Transition.  Came to the Voter Empowerment training in Louisville. 

Central Kentucky Chapter

- Danny Cotton – Former Central KY KFTC Intern and active member with a focus on connections on UK’s campus. 

- Jerry Moody – An active KFTC member from Central Kentucky and long-time involved community activist.

- George Moorman – Long-time North Lexington activist in African American communities.  Former felon spokesman.

Madison County Chapter

- Jeff From – Berea Restorative Justice Practitioner with a Masters in Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding. 

Northern Kentucky

- Tayna Fogle – Active KFTC member and relentless former felon spokesperson.

Bowling Green

– George Eklund – Student and active KFTC member.  Came to the Voter Empowerment training in Louisville recently. 

Rowan County Chapter

– Paul Lovelace – College instructor, KFTC member and Former Kentucky Heartwood Organizer.

Harlan County Chapter

- Ashley Long – Berea College Appalachian Studies graduate from a ccoal mining family in Appalachia.  Former Lead-Supervisor for Youth Conservation Corps. 

Floyd County Chapter

- Lisa Perry – Oral Historian, teacher, and Doctoral Candidate in Heritage Studies.

Letcher County Chapter

- Willa Johnson – KFTC member and former Appalachian Media Institute Intern and Vista worker.  Worked with KFTC to create 'True Cost of Coal.'


The Electoral Organizers are spread over the state in a mix of urban and rural areas where KFTC is strong or actively growing chapters.  They're all across the state with a tremendous potential to have an impact on voter education and turnout in traditionally under-represented communities. 

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