Action Alert: Help stop a coal zombie! | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Action Alert: Help stop a coal zombie!

The proposed coal-burning Smith plant is refusing to die.

Your voice is needed to end it once and for all!

The coal-burning Smith plant proposed by the East Kentucky Power Cooperative is the living dead. 

Zombie Smith vs. Clean energy

It's taken hit after hit in recent weeks from the work of KFTC and our allies – we've had some good success. For example, EKPC has temporarily pulled its request for financing approval, a major audit said the plant is the "biggest risk" EKPC will face in many years, and the U.S. EPA has objections to the state-issued air permit .... yet, EKPC is marching on, seeking a permit to put millions of tons of coal ash from the plant into Kentucky's streams. It's time to tell EKPC and state officials to pull the plug and stop wasting taxpayer money. It's time for good, local, clean energy jobs instead.

You can help stop this coal zombie:

 When: Tuesday, June 8, 2010 at 7:00 pm. Show up at least 30 minutes early if possible.

 Where: Clark County Cooperative Extension Office, 1400 Fortune Drive, Winchester.

Attend the public hearing held by the Army Corps of Engineers next week, Tuesday, June 8, at 7 p.m. in Winchester. Stand with folks from all over the state to demand a clean alternative to the Smith plant. Help say it's time to end this toxic project once and for all. 

Click here if you're considering attending the hearing.


This hearing is our time to make a public demonstration of our opposition to a federal permit that would allow EKPC to impact 14 miles of waterways, burying about half of them under hazardous coal ash. And, it's time to stand up once again in support of the clean and less-costly alternative of energy efficiency, weatherization and renewable energy. All Kentuckians, whether you receive your power from EKPC or not, are stakeholders in this process as the plant would contaminate the air we all breathe and the water we drink. Already, every waterway in Kentucky is already under a fish advisory warning due to mercury contamination from coal burning power plants. Click here to download a flyer with more information about the hearing and the impacts of the permit.

Now is the time to say, "Enough is enough!â€ The solution is simple and clear. Energy saving and renewable energy programs won’t need a permit because they won’t pollute our water. We must use this opportunity to speak out, letting the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and EKPC know that this clean energy solution is the just and healthy choice, not only for EKPC ratepayers, but for all Kentuckians.


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