Another Example of the True Cost of Coal | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth

Another Example of the True Cost of Coal

On Thursday morning a school bus with a 60-70 students from elementary to high school age ran off the road while trying to avoid an on coming coal truck. The school bus traveling on Route 1499 in Pike County near the community of Biggs, slid off the road and scrapped a rock cliff next to the road.

The police reported up to 20 students were take to the hospital for minor injuries. The bus driver blamed the on coming coal truck, wet road conditions and mud on the road for accident.

You can read about the report on wlex18 website and watch the video news cast. You can also see a picture of the accident by visiting the Appalachian News Express website.

A quick search of the state Department of Mining Reclamation and Enforcement website under the interactive maps shows that there are about 35 active mines and 20 pending mine sites within a 2-3 mile radius of the community of Biggs. I can only wonder how many coal trucks are traveling daily on the curvy two lane road, route 1499.

The accident happened at about 8:00 AM on Thursday morning.

We are truly grateful this accident was not worse.

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