KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


U.S. Bureau of Prisons holds "Open House Public Scoping" meeting in Letcher County

Posted by: Elizabeth Sanders and Sylvia Ryerson on August 12, 2013

The Mountain Eagle reported earlier this year and last week about progress on a federal prison in Letcher County. Last week, the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) announced it is “initiating a 30-day scoping process to identify community concerns and local issues that will be addressed in the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS).” 

“As part of the EIS public participation process, the Bureau will be holding an open house public scoping meeting to obtain input from the public on what should be studied in the EIS...The meeting will be conducted using an open house format with informational display and materials available for public review. There will be no formal presentations. Bureau staff will be present at the open house to answer general questions on the proposed action and the EIS process." An EIS is a federally required step before land acquisition or construction can begin.The BOP and local Letcher Co. Planning Commission have narrowed down potential sites to Roxana or Payne Gap.

Central Kentucky KFTC members meet with Senator Alice Forgy Kerr on Restoration of Voting Rights

Posted by: Beth Howard on August 9, 2013

On August 1, Central Kentucky KFTC members sat down with state Senator Alice Forgy Kerr to talk about the importance of restoring voting rights to former felons. Members were happy to have her full support.

Central Kentucky members Sarah Thomas, Teddi Robillard Smith, Mantell Stevens, and Pastor Anthony Everett shared their passion for the issue and created a space that allowed for a supportive conversation about the importance of democracy and the power of having a second chance.

Democracy Voices - Shelton McElroy, Jefferson County

Posted by: Honey Dozier on August 8, 2013

Shelton McElroy lives in Louisville with his 8-year-old daughter Jasmin. He teaches at Jefferson Community and Technical College and is involved in various community organization.

Democracy Voices - Bonifacio Aleman, Jefferson County

Posted by: Honey Dozier on August 8, 2013

Bonifacio Aleman or as many call him, Flaco, is from Milwaukee, Wisconsin and grew up in a single parent household where he recalls that crime and domestic violence were common.

Pendleton County residents discuss proposed pipeline

Posted by: Joe Gallenstein on August 6, 2013

Roughly 30 people came out to a meeting at the Pendleton County Public Library last night to learn more about the proposed Bluegrass Pipeline that may be coming through their comm

Petition asks Gov. Beshear to help protect Kentuckians from the Bluegrass Pipeline

Posted by: KFTC on August 4, 2013

We are Kentuckians, and we are working hard to protect our land, water, air and health.

Water testing workshop continues to build the case for clean water

Posted by: Jessie Skaggs on August 2, 2013

July water workshopOver the past two months, members from around eastern Kentucky have gathered for workshops in Harlan and Floyd Counties, where they learned the basics of water testing, gained hands-on experience by testing water in nearby streams, and learned how our health is tied the health of our water.

Dream 9 Immigration Rights Action

Posted by: Carissa Lenfert on August 1, 2013

KFTC members and friends have been following the "Dream 9" immigration rights dirction action that started in late July in Arizona.

Broad coalition calls for lessening bridge toll costs

Posted by: KFTC on July 28, 2013

A full-time minimum wage worker whose job required crossing the Ohio River every day would have to work 69 hours to pay the tolls on new bridges being built in Louisville.

Our Voices Matter: Writing as Activism Creates a Space for Community Members to Speak With Their Pens

Posted by: Beth Howard on July 26, 2013

 William Morris said, “History has remembered the kings and warriors, because they destroyed; art has remembered the people, because they created.” On Saturday morning, June 20, people across the community came together and created. Marianne WorthingtonCentral Kentucky Kentuckians for the Commonwealth and The Carnegie Center for Literacy and Learning hosted a writing workshop to empower people to use the written word to effect social change.


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