KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Bike Parade in Bowling Green!

Posted by: Alan Smith on November 6, 2012


Rolling through streets and neighborhoods, members of the Southern KY chapter of KFTC visited the Westside where we have focused our canvassing, reminding people to vote with home made signs and our voices.  We then visited two polling places and WKU, and finished on the square downtown.

We also did two interviews and video for WKU-TV with Ka'Seana Blanton and had a photographer follow us around for the whole ride.

We're also giving rides to the polls and fielding phone calls, and doing it all in style.

Here in the Central KY time zone, we have just over two hours left before the polls close.

Another NKY Election Day Update

Posted by: Joe Gallenstein on November 6, 2012

Students from Dixie Heights High School, Samantha and Ally Lamar, in Northern Kentucky heard about the NKY chapter's get out the vote work, and came down to lend a hand!

Learning more about KFTC's work, they also decided to join, and look forward to joining the chapter at the upcoming NKY Loves Mountains event at Groove Coffee House this Saturday!

Teddi Smith Robillard Voted Today

Posted by: Dave Newton on November 6, 2012

Teddi Smith RobillardThis morning at 6:15 a.m., I got a call from Teddi Smith Robillard, 73, of Lexington telling me that she had just voted. 

Teddi is a former felon who has been fighting since Spring of last year to get her right to vote back in Kentucky and this is the first time she's been able to vote since the early 80s.

"It's been very weird," Teddi said, thinking back.  "For so much of my life, I've helped people to register to vote - hundreds of people - but I haven't been able to vote myself.  It always felt strange to me, but I still did it because of how important voting is. 

Getting Voters out in Madison County

Posted by: Carey Henson on November 6, 2012


IMG_20121106_133401Madison County KFTC members young and otherwise have been hard at work getting voters to the polls. 

Our "Just Voted" car is catching attention around Richmond and Berea.  

Members, including 8 year olds Madison and McKayla, are passing out voter guides and waving signs at local businesses. 

We've been calling Berea College students to get them on shuttles that the college Student Government Association is running.  And we made a few shuttle trips ourselves. 

We still have a few two and a half hours to get everyone to the polls, so we're going to do everything we can to get them there!

This is What Democracy Sounds Like

Posted by: Dave Newton on November 6, 2012



After passing out a few voter guides earlier in the day, Tim and Rosanne Klarer too to the streets of Georgetown with a sound truck, reminding and encouraging people to vote and letting them know how much time they had until the polls close. 


Floyd County Voter Empowerment Update

Posted by: Dave Newton on November 6, 2012


In Floyd County, KFTC members have gotten out into the community today, passing out voter guides, helping people to find polling locations, passing out stickers, giving rides to the polls, and generally getting people ready to vote.

One of the voting locations that we drove a voter to had a an hour-long line, which is pretty incredible.


Another NKY Update

Posted by: Joe Gallenstein on November 6, 2012

100_1182Jo Long and other Northern KY KFTC members are still going strong - calling voters and answering questions regarding polling locations, hours of operation, and more. 

We also met customers who are former felons and don't have the right to vote themelves.  It was a powerful reminder that those of us who do have the right to vote have the responsibility to use it. 

Central Kentucky voter mobilization update

Posted by: Ondine Quinn, CKY Organizer on November 6, 2012

Members and friends of the Central Kentucky chapter of KFTC have been working around the clock to educate voters and moblize them to the polls.

Scott County Voter Mobilization Update

Posted by: Dave Newton on November 6, 2012

gDSC_0403Last night, Scott County KFTC and NAACP members called through the last of the people in our database, plus much of the Ed Davis precint's registered voters – about 200 people called in all. 

Thinking through the impact of Scott County's Voter Empowerment work in 2012, Rosanne Fitts Klarer said:

"I think we're creating a positive buzz – making a space for people to get engaged in politics. It brought it home for people. It's about connecting people to real issues and not just sound bytes and it's rare for people to otherwise have information to cast an informed vote on local races. I also think it's great that we can take today to celebrate voting as a key part of our Democracy. Some people think Democracy happens on it's own. It doesn't. But we're making it happen."

Voter Mobilization update from Bowling Green / Southern Kentucky

Posted by: Alan Smith on November 6, 2012

phone bank(1)Howdy from Bowling Green! The SOKY chapter got together for our second phone bank last night, and it was as much fun as we coud handle!

Eight members braved the cold and drizzly weather for pizza and a little democracy in action.

We called around 250 people and had some great conversations. Our meeting space is often shared by ESL classes, and we were delighted when one student and one instructor volunteered to make calls with us!

We also hope to have another student ride with us in the sound truck today, joining Jason Brown on the megaphone.

We'll also have a phalanx of bike riders alongside the truck today...pictures of that to come.


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