KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


The Clean Energy Collaborative passes exciting recommendations

Posted by: Kentuckians For The Commonwealth on July 25, 2013

The main goal of the Clean Energy Collaborative is to review and recommend energy efficiency and renewable energy options to the East Kentucky Power Cooperative (EKPC). KFTC is a member of this Collaborative along with EKPC, 16 local electric co-ops, and several of our allies. The Collaborative was established as a part of the process that halted the proposed Smith coal-fired power plant in Clark County three years ago.

On June 22, the Collaborative made some exciting progress by passing a set of recommendations to EKPC’s management. After coming to consensus, members of the Collaborative recommend that EKPC:

STAY Summer Institute, August 8-11

Posted by: Tanya Turner on July 23, 2013

Barn Dance Success

Posted by: Joe Gallenstein on July 22, 2013

This past Saturday, northern Kentucky members held a Barn Dance in historic Rabbit Hash.

Jefferson County Birthday Bash

Posted by: Elijah McKenzie on July 18, 2013


Social justice, democracy, and rock n' roll. 

That's how the Kentuckians of Jefferson County kicked-off their 30th anniversary celebration on Saturday, June 22, 2013.

In the heart of Butchertown – down the block from the former Jefferson County chapter office – the Tim Faulkner Gallery hosted the Birthday Bash, which featured music from a variety of local artists including Leigh Ann Yost and The Blacktop Farmers.

Kentuckians care about kids. Does the legislature?

Posted by: Kentuckians For The Commonwealth on July 18, 2013

Another devastating impact of the legislature's refusal to pass comprehensive tax reform kicked into full gear last week.

Obama urged to act on protecting water resources

Posted by: KFTC on July 16, 2013

The American Clean Energy Agenda (of which KFTC is a member) is urging President Obama to take action to lessen the impact of our nation’s energy policy on our water resources.

NKY chapter finds success at summer festivals

Posted by: Joe Gallenstein on July 13, 2013

The Northern Kentucky chapter spent the last three weeks raising awareness at various northern Kentucky festivals, reaching out to citizens on all of the work we do, and encouraging more people to

United, Kentuckians are standing against the Bluegrass Pipeline

Posted by: Kentuckians For The Commonwealth on July 12, 2013

This week there were three big meetings of Kentuckians who joined up to learn more and speak out against the Bluegrass Pipeline proposed by Williams Energy Company.

Appalachian Community Organizers' Training

Posted by: Teri Blanton on July 10, 2013

Save the Date: August 23th-25th

The Alliance for Appalachia is hosting a community organizing training at the end of the summer – and we’d like to invite new and emerging organizers from your organization to be a part of it! Please share this save the date and the information below with appropriate members.

Raising Awareness on the Mat: Central Kentucky's Community Slow Flow Yoga

Posted by: Beth Howard on July 3, 2013

 The Sanskrit Meaning of the word Yoga means union and that is exactly the intention behind the Community Slow Flow Yoga summer class series sponsored by the Central Kentucky chapter of Kentuckians For The Commonwealth and Centered, a new alternative and holistic health center in Lexington. The class series is not only a union between mind and body and between KFTC and Centered, but it’s a connection between social justice and the yoga community.


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