KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


5.85 million people disenfranchised in the U.S.

Posted by: Dave Newton on July 17, 2012


Almost a quarter of a million former felons are disenfranchised in Kentucky. That is the latest update from a study released by the Sentencing Project, a comprehensive state-by-state report of felony disenfranchisement rates in the U.S. as they stood in 2010.

Lawsuit over Clean Water Act violations closer to resolution

Posted by: Kristen Cherry on July 17, 2012

A lawsuit involving KFTC and allies, coal companies ICG and Frasure Creek, and the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet came one step closer to a resolution at a status conference on Monday.

Weekend community tabling in Lexington

Posted by: Dave Newton on July 16, 2012

This weekend, KFTC helped to register voters and connected with people around our campaign to restore voting rights to former felons who have served their time at a community event in the Trent Blv

Solar energy put to work on Hart County farms

Posted by: Nancy Reinhart on July 16, 2012

“If anyone tells you solar energy doesn’t work in Kentucky, they are wrong. It’s all about a balance of what you use and what you produce,” says Sam Avery.

Fancy Farm in 3 weeks. Can you come?

Posted by: Dave Newton on July 14, 2012

On the first Saturday in August every year, hundreds of politically-minded people along with many candidates and public officials come to a tiny town in far western Kentucky for a rigorous day of s

Outcasts at the ballot box

Posted by: Dave Newton on July 14, 2012

The Courier Journal wrote a strong piece today about Voting Rights for former felons and the Sentencing Project report that came out yesterday.

Outcasts at the ballot box

One in five African Americans in Kentucky aren't eligible to vote because of convictions. In Indiana, the number is 2.4%.

Today's voting rights field work in Georgetown

Posted by: Dave Newton on July 12, 2012

Today, Scott County KFTC members made it out to a couple of basketball games at the Ed Davis Learning Center as well as a downtown outdoor concert to register voters and talk to people about our ca

Louisville KFTC members speak out at Tax Commission hearing

Posted by: Kristen Cherry on July 12, 2012

Members of KFTC and allied groups in Jefferson and surrounding counties voiced their opinions and suggestions for reforming Kentucky’s tax code at the Blue Ribbon Tax Commission public hearing Tues

Washed Away Dreams

Posted by: Jerry Hardt on July 8, 2012

When you’ve done everything a person could reasonably be expected to do, and more, to safeguard your family and your home, what do you do next?

Reporter Ronnie Ellis explores that dilemma for Rick Handshoe, a KFTC member in Floyd County who has worked tirelessly for years to protect the land and water in his community.

Coal ash, Keystone riders dropped from transportation bill

Posted by: Kristen Cherry on July 4, 2012

Congress has reached an agreement and passed a transportation bill that does not include provisions that would block the EPA from adopting new coal ash standards and approve the construction of the Keystone XL Pipeline. Although the provisions were not directly relevant to the Transportation Research and Innovative Technology Act of 2012 (H.R. 4348), some Congress members have been using as many bills as possible to promote the construction of the pipeline and prevent the Environmental Protection Agency from enforcing laws.

keystone action DC August 2011


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