KFTC Blog | Kentuckians For The Commonwealth


Member Speaks Out About The True Costs of Coal

Posted by: Nancy Reinhart on May 2, 2012

layton making calls from the CKY officeThe following is a letter written by Central Kentucky KFTC member Layton Register (shown right) to all House Tourism Development and Energy Committee members after they heard the Clean Energy Opportunity Act, House Bill 167, this last session:

Cincinnati Transitions to 100% Renewable Electricity

Posted by: Nancy Reinhart on April 30, 2012

More than 50,000 commercial and residential electricity users in Cincinnati hired a new electricity company this week - one that aims to power the city on 100% clean energy.

Cincinnati is the first city in Ohio and the first of its size to move to 100% clean energy. The city's manager expects the average eligible household's bill to decrease by $133 as a result.

How are you celebrating May Day?

Posted by: Jessica Hays on April 30, 2012

May DayToday is May Day, or International Workers' Day. On May 1, 1886, more than 300,000 workers in 13,000 businesses across the United States went on strike in for the right to an 8-hour workday and a 40-hour workweek--the first May Day celebration in history.

Voter Empowerment Update - Primary in 3 Weeks

Posted by: Dave Newton on April 30, 2012

Three weeks from today, on Tuesday, May 22, Kentucky will have a Primary Election that will narrow the field on races from city council seats to state legislative races, to US congressional races, setting the stage for the big elections in November. 

In the coming weeks, KFTC members will launch an education campaign to let people know about candidate stances - through our print voter guides and www.KentuckElection.org.  We'll also call thousands of people to make sure they're all set to vote.

What Congressional District am I in, anyway?

Posted by: Dave Newton on April 29, 2012

Although the state legislative redistricting failed earlier this year, the redistricting of the Congressional districts passed, as did redistricting of seats within many counties and cities. 

To find what districts you're in now, you can visit the Kentucky Voter Information Center.  

Kentucky Tonight Congressional Debates

Posted by: Dave Newton on April 29, 2012

Bill Goodman on KET's Kentucky Tonight is holding a series of discussions with Congressional candidates to give viewers a chance to learn about the candidates and make a more informed decision on election day, Tuesday, May 22nd.  

The first debate was last week and included the 1st Congressional District Democratic candidates and 3rd Congressional District Democratic candidates, respectively.  A video of that program can be found here or by clicking on the image above. 

Tonight, the discussion will be between the Republicans in the 6th Congressional District and the program will air live at 8pm EST. 

Congress again considers blocking coal ash safeguards

Posted by: Jerry Hardt on April 26, 2012

A Congressional conference committee will meet May 8 to work out differences in a major transportation funding bill - with the Keystone XL pipeline and coal ash among the major issues to be worked out.

Why are those issues part of a transportation bill?

Victory! Court recognizes public's interest in clean water

Posted by: Jerry Hardt on April 25, 2012

Kentucky citizens got a victory today when the Kentucky Supreme Court ruled that KFTC, Kentucky Riverkeepers and others have the right to intervene in a Clean Water Act enforcement case.

"In a strongly worded ruling the Kentucky Supreme Court has for the first time affirmed the right of every Kentucky citizen to intervene in state court enforcement actions," said Doug Doerrfeld, a member of KFTC's Litigation  Team. "This is a victory for every citizen of our Commonwealth who values clean water."

Down and Dirty Fundraising in Jefferson County

Posted by: Colette Henderson on April 25, 2012

Member Molly Tevisorona, er... the Kentucky Crusader, will dive into the mud for the love of her state.

Bipartisan majority wants clean energy

Posted by: Jerry Hardt on April 24, 2012

A new national survey shows overwhelming and bipartisan support for clean energy policies that go far beyond what is currently in place, especially in Kentucky.

More than 80 percent of the 1,019 people asked agreed with the statement: “The time is now for a new, grassroots-driven politics to realize a renewable energy future.” The favorable response included 69 percent of Republicans, 84 percent of Independents, and 95 percent of Democrats.


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